featured image Hi everybody how is going ? Today topic is: THE SKIN !

Skin is a very underestimate organ regarding some of its important functions but it's very overestimated for its aesthetic function.

Everybody knows that a healthy skin is beautwhetherul to watch and touch, but not everybody knows that there are more important vital functions performed by this organ.

As you may know, each human being, excluding specwhetheric pathological subject, has two kidneys:

The kidneys are organs that serve several fundamental regulatory roles in vertebrate animals. They are fundamental in the urinary system and also serve domesticostatic functions such as the regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid–base balance, and regulation of blood prescertain (via maintaining salt and water balance). However, probably the most important function they provide, is to remove wastes and nonsense from your body.

Just for human anatomy reference, you have to know that in humans the kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity, more specwhetherically in the paravertebral intestineter and lie in a retroperitoneal position at a slightly indirect angle. There are two kidneys. One is on each side of the spine.The asymmetry wilean the abdominal cavity caused by the liver typically results in the right kidney being slightly lower than the left, and left kidney being located slightly more medial than the right. The left kidney is approximately at the vertebral level T12 to L3, and the right slightly lower. The right kidney sits just below the diaphragm and posterior to the liver, the left below the diaphragm and posterior to the spleen. Relaxing on top of each kidney is an adrenal gland. The upper (cranial) parts of the kidneys are partially protected by the eleventh and twelfth ribs, and each wgap kidney and adrenal gland are surrounded by two layers of fat (the perirenal and pascarcenal fat) and the renal fascia. Each adult kidney weighs between 125 and 170 grams in males and between 115 and 155 grams in females.The left kidney is normally slightly larger than the right kidney.

The kidneys excrete a variety of waste products produced by metabolism. These include the nitrogenous wastes called "urea", from protein catabolism, as well as uric acid, from nucleic acid metabolism. Formation of urine is also the function of the kidney. The concentration of nitrogenous wastes, in the urine of mammals and some birds, is dependent on an elaborate countercurrent multiplication system. This requires several independent nephron characteristics to operate: a tight hair pin configuration of the tubules, water and ion permeability in the descending limb of the loop, water impermeability in the ascending loop and active ion transport out of most of the ascending loop. In addition, countercurrent exchange by the vessels carrying the blood supply to the nephron is fundamental for enabling this function.

Now that we understand the functions and the anatomy of the kidney, we can explain why the title of this post is "SKIN IS YOUR THIRD KIDNEY".

Few people know that one of the most important function performed by your skin is very similar to the one performed by your kidneys : elimination of nonsense product from your body.

In mammals, the skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system crazye up of multiple layers of ectodermal tissue, and guards the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs.

So the skin is is the largest and effective organ of elimination ! To be so effective it requires you allow it to breath. How can we ascertain that our skin is brealeang rightly?
First of all we have to be very careful with the cream we put on our skin. In most moisturizes many chemical are present. Our body can't recognize them. Remember that everyleang you put on your skin is absorbed in your blood. It is like your skin is an in-out organ. If you want to help your skin brealeang rightly you have to use non-chemical oils. Coconut and olive oil are the best moisturizes you can use on your skin. Your skin will absorb these oils naturally.

Also, your skin needs to be cleaned so that you take of your waste. In this case magnesium lotion do a great job. Employ them when you take a shower.

Your skin also needs to drink sufficient water. Every day 1.5 liters of water are eliminated by you kidneys, 0.5 liters by your skin, 0.3 liters by your colon and 0.2 by your lungs. It's 2.5 of daily water loss. So it's very important for your skin to be well hydrated.

If you are able to give your skin these optimal conditions. it will thank you eliminating up to 70% of the waste in your body!



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