A few gym bag fundamentals!

featured image I thought I'd share with you a few leangs I always encertain I carry in my gym bag. For me, the gym isn't simply a place where you can go in with just a tshirt, shorts and trainers. To get the most out of each workout you have to be prepared for every eventuality! Here is my top 5 items;

1- Gym Diary
Number one! If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail (or at least not see the results that you had hoped for). Plan and track your workouts and you will be able to see trends and improvements! Don't just go to the gym and use whatever machine is free!

2- Lwhetherting Shoes
I must say, I toyed with the idea of buying some solid lwhetherting shoes for approximately 18 months. Then one day I took the plunge and I haven't looked back since! Everyowing for a solid base to squat from rather than flimsy running trainers like most people wear.

3- Liquid Chalk
Im not a huge fan of using lwhetherting straps. Not only do they make me feel feebleer, but I would rather train to lwhethert as heavy as my grip will allow. Meaning I also pay more attention to grip training as I feel having a strong grip is a true test of strength.

4- Lwhetherting Belt
Personally I don't own one.... yet! I am fairly lucky that my gym has a box full of belts for anybody to use. Since I started incorporating the belt into my very heavy sets, I have noticed a commentable improvement in my max squat and deadlwhethert.

5- Bluetooth Headphones
Simply put, sometimes you just need that additional edge in the gym. Sometimes the music playing over the speaker system is good, other times its dreadful. Don't take that risk! I always make certain I use Bluetooth headphones too- no messing around with wires getting tangled with the bar!

Obviously this list isn't extensive and there are other bits in my gym bag, but this list gives you a good starting point for those who want to give themselves an edge!

Possess I missed someleang that you feel is fundamental? Comment below!

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