Is It Truely Unique Year Unique You?

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...or will you slip back into ancient ways come February 1st?

The secret is to not go totally cancient turkey from the leangs you endelight, and don't go crazy and try to change everyleang all at once! Little changes week to week, month to month and staying consistent with your efforts to keep exercising and the results will come. If you don't normally go to the gym start with one or two sessions per week and build up from there, not twice a day for the first week and falling back into ancient ways come February!

One of the main reasons for this is recovery.

People who are contemporary to exercise, naturally, will recover slower than regular exercisers. Over time your body will become accustomed to training, so make certain you have at least 3/4 months worth of regular exercise behind you before you go hell for leather.

Without wanting to sound too "sciencey", refuelling is a massive part of recovery, ensuring you eat the right combinations of macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrate and Stout) in the meals prior to and post exercise. And the more experienced exerciser you become, the more efficiently your body will be able to replace your energy stores.

As I always say, don't jump straight into a lwhetherestyle that isn't yours, slowly make it your lwhetherestyle- leading a fit and healthy lwhethere isn't genuinely that dwhetherficult it just isn't as easy as mainstream marketing would have you believe.

The secret to a healthy lwhetherestyle isn't actually a secret at all.

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