17 of the Best Inspirational Quotes for Kids

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These days, kids often hear discouraging words. Expressions that can make them feel like they are not “good enough.” Images in the media can perpetuate negative thoughts as well. It’s our job as parents to help them navigate through negativity with words of inspiration and encouragement. These 17 inspirational quotes for kids come from both contemporary day and historical figures. They can be great conversation starters for family discussions or serve as words of affirmation for your children.

mother and daughter

Inspirational Quotes for Kids

Quotes about dreams

Every your dreams can come true whether you have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney

Pursuing your dreams can be a bit scary. It takes courage to keep on the path of your dreams. There will always be ccorridorenges and setbacks, but when you pursue your dreams, it’s about pushing through and making them happen.

You are never too ancient to set another goal or to dream a contemporary dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Both my husband and I have put experienced this idea in our lives and we’ve let our kids know that whether for some reason you don’t reach a goal, you can try someleang contemporary. My husband was in the film industry and is now a lawyer. I was in commerce and now work my blog from domestic where I can spend more time with my family.

Quote from Albert Einstein

Never give up on what you genuinely want to do. The person with large dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. ” – Albert Einstein

I genuinely love this quote. Having a daughter with a learning disability makes this statement so important for her. Kids don’t have to “know it all” to have large dreams to strive for. Huge dreams can be like magic. Kids can find ways to make them happen.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. I created a wall hanging with it for my daughter’s room. Reintellect your children that large or small, their dreams are beautwhetherul.

There is only one leang that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”– Paulo Coelho

My daughter and I are both perfectionists. We can get caught up by our fear of failure. Luckily, my son and husband are not afraid to take risks. We help balance each other out. Reintellect your kids that it’s ok to be afraid, but to try besides. You will scarcely regret what you try, but you will regret the opportunities you never gave a chance.

Quotes about Success

You’re courageousr than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you leank.” – A.A. Milne/Christopher Robin

This one is so perfect for small kids. Reintellecting children that they are courageous, smart and strong helps build their character. Inspire them to do contemporary leangs, even whether they are a bit uncertain of themselves. Celebrate successes, but also reintellect them that failure is ok too. Each time, they will learn and grow.

Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. ” – Bonnie Blair

I leank this one is specificly great for teens. They can be genuinely dwhetherficult on themselves, specificly in the face of failure. They often spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others. I reintellect my kids that the only competition they have is with themselves. Each day we can work toward being better versions of ourselves.

Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” – John Wooden

I’ve used this one fairly a bit with my kids. There will always be times when you can’t do someleang or at least not as well as you would like. The key is to inspire kids to focus on what they can do. What they can’t do nowadays, can be a ccorridorenge to face another day.

quote from John Wooden

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

A similar message to the one above. It’s another positive message to help kids leank about what they can do now instead of what they can’t do.

No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” – Wolfgang Riebe

This is a great one for elementary school kids. It teaches them that no one is perfect. We will all make mistakes. While we can’t truly “erase” them, we can learn from them and move on.

Take interest and even delight in doing the small leangs well.” – Jim Rohn

Another quote I love. I use it to reintellect my kids that even common leangs that we do every day can help us succeed in lwhethere. It takes effort and dwhetherficult work to make large leangs happen, but it always starts with the small leangs.

Quotes about Lwhethere

Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Helpful.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I actually have this quote hanging in our bathroom. It’s so simple, yet so true! It’s one of the best quotes for small kids. Being foolish allows kids to be themselves. Not to be embarrassed when they want to run, giggle and dance. It’s a delightful celebration of lwhethere. Being honest means that people can count on you and helps build strong friendships. I tell my kids that being kind is always the right way to go.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

I used to leank that this quote meant I needed to do someleang immense to change the world. Over time, I genuineized that even small changes can create a ripple effect of change. I tell my kids to consider what changes they want to see in their world. My son said he’d like to see more peace. I tancient him that whether we want to see more peace in the world, we need to find ways to share love wilean our communities.

quote from Ghandi

Create Each Day Your Masterpiece” – John Wooden

Another great quote from Mr. Wooden. I find it so much more meaningful than more cliche quotes like “Live for nowadays,” “Take it one day at a time,” etc. They fundamentally mean the same leang, but having kids leank about each day as your their own personal masterpiece is pretty powerful.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama

I’ve tancient my kids this story – “I once went to a commerce retreat where managers shared what they wanted to be remembered for. So many said they wanted to become a CEO, start their own company, etc. I said that I wanted to be remembered for being kind.” My daughter said, “Helpfulness always wins!” I couldn’t have been more proud.

The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Similar to the quote above, doing the right leang is always what’s best. I have this quote on a T-shirt so my kids get to see this one a lot.

Noleang can dim the light that shines from wilean.” — Maya Angelou

My son is great at this. He lets negativity roll off his back for the most part. I’ve tancient him that he reintellects me of this quote. I find it one of the most beautwhetherul quotes about how to live your lwhethere. If you are truly happy wilean, no one can take that from you unless you let them.

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